
ezOBD first blog

Welcome to the ezOBD community.  At this time, the community has just started so there are no members.  We are looking for members to enjoy and also contribute to this blog.  I plan to write articles on how to get the most out of ezOBD and also about the OBDII standard.  These articles will go over the On Board Diagnostic (OBD) standards and the  Parameter IDs (PID) codes that make up OBD car information.


ezOBD is an iPhone application that works in conjunction with low cost OBD wireless device to display valuable information about a running car.  Also included with the application is the web site and this blog.  The goal of the site is to inform users about ODB system, how to use ezOBD to its maximum potential, and to give users an outlet to contribute to this site as a whole.  ezOBD will start out as just diagnostic but will later include functions to change settings such as performance, economy, flex fuel settings and etc.